
Comprehensive Outcome Measures 

Scientifically validated data is critical to the future of mental healthcare. 

Throughout the treatment process, quick and continuous data collection should guide decision-making and allow for adjustments to optimize outcomes. Individual differences in people's symptoms and lifestyles, as well as the ability to monitor peaks, valleys, and trends in real-time, allow patients and their therapists and psychiatrists to make better informed diagnoses and decisions.

Current assessment approaches are frequently limited and narrow, with a focus on depression and anxiety and the use of the same two scales: the PHQ-9 for depression and the GAD-7 for anxiety. Patients, of course, want to address a much broader range of issues. Rappore believes that data must reflect human complexity and identify not only symptoms but also common challenges and strengths that people face.

Rappore’s questionnaire is based on a methodology developed at Columbia University and other academic medical centers. Our Mental Health Fingerprint is a one-of-a-kind diagnostic tool that generates data to enable you to achieve goals as quickly as possible. We monitor not only symptoms and signs of Anxiety and Depression, but also OCD, Eating Disorders, ADHD, Alcohol and Substance Use, and Borderline Personality, as well as Social and Work Adjustment, Health, Loneliness, Resilience, and Strengths. In addition, we assess the ongoing effectiveness of the patient-clinician working alliance. 

Whether you work with a single clinician or your care is coordinated by members of our team, the results are the same. You as well as your doctor and therapist use the extensive data available to create an effective treatment plan, track your progress and make adjustments as needed to achieve your objectives.